Our Mission
Engaging people to recognize, receive, and release the joy of Christ's love.
The eternal God, creator of the universe, loves you. In His Word, the Bible, God reveals His love for you and everyone by rescuing humanity through the person of Jesus Christ.
Through Jesus, God’s own Son, the Spirit of God reaches to you with unlimited acceptance, forgiveness, and love.
As the people of Christ the King, we are grateful that God has rescued us as a free gift (grace). Our response to that gift is a life of faith. This faith leads us to align our lives with the teachings of Jesus. As his followers we seek to abstain from the cravings of our sinful nature and cultivate the “fruit of the Spirit”—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. In summary, our calling as the people of Christ the King, is to receive that love of God and give it away.
Everyone of us. Every day we live. Everywhere we go.
Through Jesus, God’s own Son, the Spirit of God reaches to you with unlimited acceptance, forgiveness, and love.
As the people of Christ the King, we are grateful that God has rescued us as a free gift (grace). Our response to that gift is a life of faith. This faith leads us to align our lives with the teachings of Jesus. As his followers we seek to abstain from the cravings of our sinful nature and cultivate the “fruit of the Spirit”—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. In summary, our calling as the people of Christ the King, is to receive that love of God and give it away.
Everyone of us. Every day we live. Everywhere we go.
For more reference points:

We are part of a larger community of churches.
Through the Harvest Partnership we are engaged with church planting in our region and beyond.
Through our partnership with the LCMS (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) we remain connected to a Biblical standard which emphasizes that we are saved only by God’s underserved love for us through Jesus Christ (grace). In addition, we receive that grace through faith in the good news about Jesus Christ.
Through the Harvest Partnership we are engaged with church planting in our region and beyond.
Through our partnership with the LCMS (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) we remain connected to a Biblical standard which emphasizes that we are saved only by God’s underserved love for us through Jesus Christ (grace). In addition, we receive that grace through faith in the good news about Jesus Christ.

If you have other specific questions not covered here, you may send an email,
or the church office at 281.360.7936 and make an appointment with one of our pastors.
or the church office at 281.360.7936 and make an appointment with one of our pastors.