Missional Communities

A Missional Community (MC) is a gathering of people who live a life in Christ. They seek God  together, care for one another, and reach out to those in need with God’s love.

Burnt Offering Cooking Crew

Dave Puls - davepuls@me.com
Jim Bearden - jpb194663@yahoo.com                      
We are a group of Christian men who are dedicated to serving through cooking for charities, gathering for fellowship and encouraging each other in our faith.

C.I.A. Christ In Action

Rob & Corine Sorge - rjsorge@gmail.com
We are passionate about serving Christ by reaching out to those who are physically, emotionally, or financially impaired and are unable to handle some of their physical needs. (i.e. minor home repairs, temporary yard help, handicap ramps, and the like.) We meet on Tuesday evenings at local restaurants for fellowship and discussion of upcoming projects. Contact Rob and Corinne to get the address where they will meet each week.

Elijah's Jars

Jeff & Annette Rensberger - jeffrensberger@gmail.com
 Don & Kathie Witt - DonnieMax@aol.com                      
Elijah’s Jars is a group of people who meet weekly to establish a sense of community in order to live out the reality of the Christian life on a day-to-day basis. We gather for filling with God’s Word, ministry to families and growing in relationship with one another. All are invited Sunday evenings at 5pm.

Family Promise

Audrey Gurule - audreyagurule@gmail.com
Patty Steinhilber - poopdeck2@aol.com
Christ the King partners with Family Promise of Lake Houston. Once per quarter, we host 1-3 homeless families for one week for dinner and overnight stays. Families spend the day at Family Promise working toward their personal, work or school goals.  Opportunities here include buying grocery or snack items, cooking a dinner meal and delivering, eating dinner with the families, or staying overnight as a church contact person. It’s a rewarding way to serve because you will get to know the families and see them as they progress with their goals and help them celebrate their accomplishments. Contact Audrey or Patty for how to get involved.

CTK Sewing Group

Karen Crabtree karenlcrabtree3@gmail.com
Loretta Waterman lorettajwaterman@gmail.com
Do you sew, quilt, or want to learn?  Join us as we use our talents to wrap people in love with the quilts that are made. We get together every week on Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Student Center.

Jars Of Clay

Ralph & Karen Crabtree - karenlcrabtree3@gmail.com
A group of people 55+ that meets twice monthly on Sunday evenings. We focus on studying God’s word, Pray, service projects, and building strong Christian bonds with one another. We seek knowledge and how to better live our lives so that we may be a light on the hill for our Lord.  We do this in an atmosphere of joy in being together.

Slipper Sisters

Annette Rensberger - annetterensberger@yahoo.com
Slipper Sisters is a missional community that meets weekly on Mondays, 7-9 pm for Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship at the Rensberger’s home. The atmosphere in this group is casual with an emphasis placed on sharing our lives in a safe and judgement-free place. The desire of the members of this group is that we support one another as life happens around us, that we become the women that God desires of us by studying His Word and learning to obey Him in all things.

Thursday Night Men's Bible Study

Jan Adelman - jadelman1942@gmail.com
The CTK Men’s Night Bible Study meets Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30. This is a gathering of Christian men who come together to explore the teachings and wisdom found in the Bible, fostering spiritual growth, fellowship, and accountability. The studies we use involve in-depth discussions, scripture reading, and reflection on how the principles of the Bible can be applied to daily life, relationships and personal challenges. The goal is to encourage men to deepen their faith, strengthen their character and support one another in their spiritual journeys. Open to all CTK men and their guests.

Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Terri Neece - tkboswell426@gmail.com
Janet Norris - janetn1956@gmail.com
Lynn Williams - lynnkroonblawdw@gmail.com
This class is for those who thirst for a deeper personal relationship with Jesus and fellowship of like-minded women who love the Lord.  We hear God speak through our Bible studies, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the wisdom and experience of fellow class members. We are blessed to be prayer warriors for each other and assure a safe, nonjudgmental setting for authentic sharing.  Please join us on Tuesday mornings from
9:45 - 11:30 a.m. in rooms Worship Center 1 & 1