Adult Sunday  School Classes

Friends in Faith

Join a warm and welcoming community that invites both couples and singles to deepen their understanding of the Word and build meaningful friendships. While many of us are over 40, we joyfully welcome friends of all ages. Our group is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through various outreach activities, making a positive impact on those God places in our path.We’d love to have you with us!
Contact Don Sitton at or
Nick Ewing at
Meets in LC 213

The Word for Today

A deeper dive into the scriptural foundation of the Sunday Sermon.
Contact Ken Kallaher,
Meets in WC 6

Seasoned Saints

For ages 55 and older (but we don’t check IDs at the door!) We are still in the hunt for the knowledge of God and truly believe that laughter will open the eyes of our hearts to His presence. Come and join us!
Contact Carl Colmenares, or
Nancy Dillard,
Meets in WC 1 & 2

Women Growing Together

Our Bible study is focused on loving God and loving others. As we study His word we learn more about His grace, love and forgiveness. This inspires and motivates us to love others. All women are welcome! Interactive lecture with small group time interspersed throughout class.
Contact Mary Doering, or Dorothy Fleming,
Meets in WC 3


Our Bible Studies focus on becoming godly men: Christ-centered husbands, fathers, sons, workers, friends, neighbors and citizens. We encourage each other as we confront the challenges Christian men face in our daily walk. Men of all ages are welcome at any time.
Contact Tony Lanson, or Dennis Placke,
Meets in Student Center Community Room

Young Adults

Our Bible study is focused on knowing God, finding freedom, discovering our purpose, and making a difference in our community.  Where we are dedicated to leading young adults in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  All are welcomed from the ages of 18-30.
Contact Libby Fowler,
Meets in A9 Conference Room